Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Images of contentment

By Dr. Eduardo Go
February 10, 2010

Siem Reap, which means “Defeat of Siam,” is a proud city of Cambodia – the land where “Khmers” or Cambodians fought hard to defeat and drive away Thai invaders centuries ago. The Angkor Wat (Capital of Pagodas) is a major tourist attraction here, a reminder of the country’s great heritage and the gallantry of its people carved on the walls, pillars, and roofs of these pagodas.

One could easily view the vastness of Angkor Wat while on top the Bakheng Hill, as if one is using a wide-angle lens of the camera. One amazing thing that I discovered was how the ancient Cambodians meticulously constructed the main north gate – directing exactly at 0° north. As I confirmed it with my portable cell phone compass and as we moved closer to the complex, this grand structure was painstakingly laid out to its precise distances and angles revealing the extensive architectural flair of the people during that era.

As history books and museums literally impart to us the normal lives, religious rituals, political dominions, wars, and social norms of the locals, Sengy Chea (our kind interpreter and guide) shared to us those important facts just like chapters in a novella. He walked us through and took us to the best spots where we could capture those perfect images according to lighting, reflections, color matches. Also, it was a wonder to photograph the sunset on one side and hot air balloon on the other with superb backdrop of the magnificent Angkor Wat. It was well worth the walk and the long wait.

We then proceeded to the Kuk Trung nook where one could just tap lightly on the chest and the echo would reverb back to you, as though they were answers to your prayers from heaven. In Angkor Thom, the four-faced Buddha statue is one of the remarkable attractions symbolizing the universal understanding of patience, conscience, forgiveness, and Buddhist principles.

The next day, we toured the rural areas where locals live and exist closest to the dictates of nature. But through their sheer innovation and strong desire, ingenuity is strengthened as they live in harmony with nature.

While we were trekking, an ox-pulled cart caught my attention – a diorama of exhausted human lives unreeled before my eyes. I then realized that it was more than a trip or an out-of-town photo shoot. It was a humble experience which opened my eyes that this was more than what we aimed to captivate. Upon reviewing my images, it dawned on me to veritably define what “contentment” really means.
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Hun Sen Wants Abhisit to Swear that His Whole Family Would Die in a Plane Crash if Siam Claims that It Does Not Encroach on Khmer Territory – Tuesday, 9.2.2010
via CAAI News Media

Posted on 10 February 2010
The Mirror, Vol. 14, No. 651

“The Cambodian Prime Minister, Mr. Hun Sen, wants the Siamese [Thai] Prime Minister, Mr. Abhisit Vijjajiva, to swear that his whole family would die in a plane crash if it is true that Siamese [Thai] troops are not invading Khmer territory. This he said in an angry speech, made during his trip to visit the Cambodian troops stationed at the Khmer Ta Moan Thom temple.

“Wearing a military uniform and Five-Star-General insignia during the three days of visiting troops and army commanders at the border region, yesterday, on 8 February 2010, Mr. Hun Sen did not show a smile like during the first day because of wrong publications in the Siamese press and [Thai Prime Minister] Mr. Abhisit Vijjajiva’s irritating remarks.

“At 8:15 a.m. on 8 February 2010, nine helicopters, including one of Mr. Hun Sen and his wife, landed in an area close to the Ta Moan temple to visit troops of Battalion 422 and Brigade 42. During that visit, Siam [Thailand] immediately set up a satellite system to capture the activities and the speech of Prime Minister Hun Sen.

“Mr. Hun Sen stated, using [rough] military words, as he always did when he previously criticized an English language newspaper in Siam, The Nation, ‘If you are stupid, do not be journalists that provide wrong information about this visit.’

“Relating to the Siamese troops stationed at the Keo Sekha Kiri Svarak Pagoda, Mr. Hun Sen stated, ‘As long as you do not withdraw, I still call you ‘invading troops.’ – Mr. Hun Sen severely blasted Mr. Abhisit Vijjajiva, saying, ‘Though you are criticized like that [like Prim Minister Hun Sen did criticize the Thai Prime Minister before], you do not agree to leave your office. My Five-Star-General insignia were given to me by the King, but not by the Thai King… I blasted you like this, whether it hurts or not – if you responded, I will add more… I would like to send a message to the Thai people that there was never any time where the Thai society was as fractioned as it is in your, Abhisit Vijjajiva’s, era, and the foreign relations are so bad… You used the yellow-shirt demonstrators to help to make a coup [in September 2006. Mr. Abhisit Vijjajiva became prime minister much later, in December 2008] and to control the airports…[Bangkok airports were occupied by demonstrators in November 2008]. I ordered the Council of Ministers as well as the Quick Response Team to record my speech properly and to translate it into English.’

“Mr. Hun Sen added his doubt whether Abhisit Vijjajiva would dare to swear that his whole family would die in a plane crash if he would deny that Siamese troops are invading Cambodia. Hun Sen said also that he is not only a militant, but also a creator of militants. He went on to say, ‘I hold the ID 00002, and not fake rank insignia, I would like to tell Abhisit Vijjajiva… you are stupid…You do not have family roots [a despising expression]… Does it disturb your head if I would wear a military uniform for my whole life?… Any clothes I wear, it should not disturb Abhisit Vijjajiva’s head… I wear the Five-Star-General insignia that the King gave me, not the ‘chicken egg-yolk stars’ of Abhisit Vijjajiva. It is not the first time that Hun Sen wears a military uniform. According to my biography, I am originally a militant. Please know Hun Sen well… It has been in 20 speeches that I did not attack you in response to what you said, but you always attack me. Therefore, I will attack you back. If tomorrow you attack me again, I will respond.’

“Mr. Abhisit Vijjajiva became the prime minister after big demonstrations held by yellow-shirt demonstrators [supporters], whose color is like the color of chicken egg-yolk. Mr. Hun Sen’s words imply that his Five-Stars-General insignia are not from chicken egg-yolks, which simply means to say that the prime minister position of Mr. Abhisit Vijjajiva is the result of the yellow-shirt demonstrators, with the color symbol like chicken egg-yolk.

“A high ranking official of the Sam Rainsy Party, Mr. Thach Setha, commented on Mr. Hun Sen’s speech, saying, ‘It is the personality and attitude of our Prime Minister that he frequently uses to attack his enemies. Thus, we are not surprised with his reaction.’

“A day ahead of Prime Minister Hun Sen’s visit to the border region, there was also a war of words between Phnom Penh and Bangkok, where Siam declared that if Mr. Hun Sen intended to visit the 4.6 square kilometer [contested] area, he must discuss it with Thailand. But officials of the Cambodian government responded that the area is located in Khmer territory, and it is not necessary to discuss it with Siam to visit this area. Anyway, according to published images and to broadcasts of his activities in the local press and in television, Mr. Hun Sen seems not to have appeared inside of the 4.6 [contested] square kilometers.

“But an official of the Council of Ministers had been quoted by a foreign newspaper as saying that for Sunday, it was planned that Mr. Hun Sen would to visit some parts of the 4.6 square kilometer area.

“Based on previous speeches by Mr. Hun Sen and by government officials, Cambodia will not allow even one millimeter of the territory to get lost. But yesterday, Mr. Hun Sen stated repeatedly that Siamese troops encroach on Khmer territory, and he asked Mr. Abhisit Vijjajiva whether he dares to swear that his family would die in a plane crash, if it were true what he claims: that Siamese troops do not invade Cambodian territory.”

Khmer Machas Srok, Vol.4, #601, 9.2.2010
Newspapers Appearing on the Newsstand:
Tuesday, 9 February 2010


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