Sunday, September 6, 2009

Khmer Rouge timeline

Commarade Duch (The Murderer)

Globe and Mail Update
Last updated on Friday, Sep. 04, 2009

1942. November 17. Birth of Kaing Guek Eav.

1960 - Sept. 30. Creation of the Communist Party of Kampuchea.

1963 - Saloth Sar, alias Pol Pot, becomes CPK secretary.

1964 - Kaing Guek Eav joins CPK, takes revolutionary alias Duch.

1965 - Duch becomes math teacher.

1966 - Duch goes underground with the Khmer Rouge.

1968 - Duch is arrested by King Sihanouk's police and sentenced to 20 years.

1970 - March. King Sihanouk deposed in a coup by Lon Nol, who grants amnesty to political prisoners, including Duch, who leaves for a zone controlled by the Khmer Rouge.

1971 - July. Duch put in charge of the M-13 jail until January 1975.

1975 - April 17. Khmer Rouge enter Phnom Penh and force millions of city residents to collective farms.

1975 - End April. Border clashes between Cambodia and Vietnam.

1975 - August 15. The S-21 jail is established in Phnom Penh and Duch named deputy commander.

1975 - October. S-21 becomes fully operational.

1975 - November. Duch marries.

1976 - March. Duch becomes the chairman of S-21.

1977 - Vietnamese troops raid Cambodia's Svay Rieng province. In August, the Khmer Rouge attack Vietnam's Tay Ninh province.

1978 - December. After years of border skirmishes, Vietnam invades Cambodia.

1979 - January 2-3. The last mass execution of S-21 prisoners takes place: 200 Cambodian and Vietnamese victims are killed.

1979 - January 7. Khmer Rouge regime overthrown. Vietnamese troops enter Phnom Penh, discover S-21 where the remaining prisoners had been killed hours before. Duch flees with the Khmer Rouge to their border sanctuaries.

Early 1990s. Duch distances himself from Khmer Rouge, returns to teaching.

1992 - After his wife's murder in a burglary, Duch attends Christian seminars.

1996 - Jan. 5. Under the pseudonym Hang Pin, Duch is baptized after converting to evangelical Christianity.

1999 - May. Duch is arrested after being retraced by Irish photographer Nic Dunlop.

2008 - August. Duch indicted for crimes against humanity.

2009 - March. Beginning of trial hearings against Duch.


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